All In Attitude - All Out Effort

How It Started

Before photography became the intense passion it is today, my focus and my energy was directed towards my career within the Fire and Rescue Service. Over the course of 30 years, I worked across across the west of Scotland in a variety of posts whilst being promoted 7 times along the way. During that time, I also gained a range of vocation, professional and academic qualifications with my most prestigious undoubtably being my MBA with Distinction awarded by Glasgow Caledonian University.

Although there were some dark and challenging days, there were also many memorable moments and being a member of the Fire and Rescue Service family has played a big part of who I am today. After being given the honour and privilege of being the Area Commander for Ayrshire following the creation of the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, I served in this post for 6 years up until my retirement.

My career in the Fire and Rescue Service is now a closed chapter in my life but the ingrained psyche of a continuous cycle of learning and developing from my professional career is now underpinning the creative experiences I encounter through my photography work.

How It’s Going

A life changing event in 2015 resulted in evaluating parts of my life which became the catalyst for the passion and mental release that I now experience in my photography today. Whilst I enjoy various photography genres, I discovered a fantastic Black and White Fine Art Architecture video by Ben Harvey and was immediately fascinated by the images presented by Ben. I knew this was the type of photography that I wanted to go deeper into and have spent the last 6 years immersing myself in this world, discovering the work and teachings of others along the way. 

In the last few years, I have become more comfortable in sharing my work and I have been fortunate to have seen some of my work recognised in various forms such as publications, awards and recently, an exhibition. I will be forever grateful to those who have taken the time to acknowledge, encourage and support the results of my creative endeavours. 

Who knows where my photography will take me, but whatever direction it heads in, the main thing will be to remember the journey is more important than the destination.